
A Brief Introduction of Sampling Bags

The sampling bag is a sealed bag, which is used for sample processing, pre-enrichment or sample dilution when detecting different types of bacteria in food.

▶ Composition of Sampling Bag

1. Sealed bag: requires flexibility, impact resistance, and strong puncture resistance, and is suitable for use in homogenizers.

2. Filter screen: It is required that bacterial colonies can pass through the filter screen freely, and the size of the gap where the sample residue is blocked is the best.

3. Liquid: generally 225mL, depending on the enrichment or dilution required by different strains.

▶  Sampling bag use

It is used for sample processing, pre-enrichment or sample dilution when detecting different types of bacteria in food.

▶ Classification of sampling bags

According to different liquids, it is divided into: Buffered Peptone Water Sampling Bag, Phosphate Buffered Saline Solution Sampling Bag, Normal Saline Sampling Bag, GN Enrichment Liquid Sampling Bag, Shiga Zeng Bacterial Liquid Sampling Bag, 10% Sodium Chloride Tryptone Enrichment Liquid Sampling Bag, 3% Sodium Chloride Alkaline Protein Jelly Water Sampling Bag, 0.1% Peptone Water Sampling Bag, Sterile Distilled Water Sampling bag, Improved Phosphate Buffer Sampling Bag, Nutritional Meat Soup Sampling Bags, etc.

According to different filters, it can be divided into: full filter sampling bag and half filter sampling bag.

▶ Cautions

1. Prohibited for clinical testing.

2. It is only suitable for trained experimenters.

3. When in use, protective measures should be taken with gloves and a mask.

4. Discarded medium should be disposed of by autoclaving.

5. It is forbidden to use the product when it is expired or turbid and polluted.

Post time: Jun-26-2023